Happy Monday! I am not gonna lie, I was not excited about this Monday, the weather and weekend were all just too perfect! Can you believe this weather we're having?? Well, here we are ladies and gents, day 8. If you haven't read the beginning of my journey click here.
Let me recap from day 5. The weekend wasn't too bad, and I definitely feel like I am hitting a rhythm. Foods definitely still look delicious and I crave the strangest things still, that I don't even normally eat to begin with (donuts?!) but now that I'm starting week 2 it just doesn't feel natural or normal to even eat something bad or unhealthy. This may just be the "moment" I'm in right now...
I am still pretty tired, actually I take that back I am like a walking zombie that hasn't slept in centuries I could easily go to bed around 9 every night and sleep till 9 every morning, obviously that's not happening as I have to get to work and we workout in the mornings BUT whatever. We are still waking up and working out in the morning, and if we're not able to get up early we at least workout sometime during the day. I am excited to see what changes I have this week, if any.
Not gonna lie, the emotions have still been on a roller coaster ride, that's probably been one of the biggest (next to being EXHAUSTED) change I have felt. Imagine PMS hormones on steroids, that's pretty much how I have felt. Yea, I know it's bad.
If you are on the edge of thinking about doing Whole30 definitely give it a try. Visit their website and you will be convinced that this is definitely worth every minute of torture re-wiring your body for health and success. Start spring with a bang. Start Whole30 and change your life. You will not regret it.
Have a great week! And Remember:
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