Happy Friday!!! I LOVE me some Fridays!! If you are new you can read my first post here about starting Whole30. It has been a long time coming, but this time I really am determined to complete an entire Whole30. My husband is doing it with me, so support system is key.
I promised I would keep an updated journal of my whole journey, so today I am recapping Day 5. Well, technically today is day 5 but you get the point. We started on Monday and this week has been on/off what I thought it would be like. To be honest I thought it would be a lot harder. Headaches, check. Cravings, check. Exhaustion, double check. Yes... all of these have been symptoms this week and it has been a pretty low energy week. Or maybe it's because my husband still makes me wake up at 5:30 to go workout?!
#1 I have definitely noticed low energy this week. I am exhausted by 9pm and can barely wake up in the mornings. I am hoping over the next week my energy levels increase!! Cravings have been good and bad, it depends on the day and what we've got going. When at work and on a "regular" schedule cravings aren't too bad, it's when we're out and about that I just want to eat anything and everything in sight. It's pretty funny actually- things I never even crave I am drooling over!
I will say the key for me is having a partner to do this with. I am so thankful my husband decided to do the Whole30 with me, because to be honest I probably would have caved by now. It makes it so much easier knowing that the meals we make we both are eating and we can keep each other in check. My emotions have been.... crazy, psycho, hormonal, emotional a little off. To say the least, one minute I want to be left alone, the next minute I want my husband to hold me, the next minute I'm hot, then cold. This guy... he gets an award ;)
I am writing all of this NOT to scare you, but to be honest. And really it excites me to feel this way because it shows me my body is truly trying to detox and correct itself from all the crud I have filled it with. Knowing that there's another side to this and looking forward to the "shift" in how I feel is what excites and motivates me!!
If you have started or are thinking about starting: you can do it. Trust me when I say, if I can do this, you can too!! PLAN AHEAD. Stay focused and remember the reasons you want to complete this program!
Pictures found on Pinterest.com
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