Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A Written Note...

Hey y'all!! :) Hope everyone is having a great week! This is a super random post but whatever ;)

For those who know me, you know that I LOVE writing letters/cards and sending them the good ol' fashion way- in the mail! Me personally, I love getting mail. (And by mail I mean a sweet card or invitation- NOT a bill). One day I decided, well if I love getting mail then everyone else does too, right? So, that's when I decided I would go to the store, buy a sleeve of stamps and write hand written notes randomly to people. I have absolutely LOVED doing this, especially when people say it brightened their day! It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just a quick hello and that I was thinking about them! I went to Hobby Lobby and picked up a box of blank colorful cards so I could put my own little message on the front and have LOVED it! Especially with friends & family out of town this is a fun way to keep in touch! :)

If the camera on my phone wasn't broken I would show you pictures of my cards but the below Etsy inspiration will just have to do!!!!

Personalized Stationery Monogram Folded Notecard Gift Set

Monogrammed Notecards - Personalized Note Cards - flat, rounded - Set of 12

Typographic blank notecards stationery set gift kraft pack of 6

Hipster Eyeglasses Frames Blank Notecard

And because I'm obsessed with all things monograming this personalized mail stamp is on my wish list! I think sending/receiving personalized note cards is so refreshing in such a "technology" driven world. It's just a little something extra special instead of a text, email or wall post on FB. Try it out. Send a card to someone special and I guarantee it will make their day!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this idea! Written notes are so special!! Thanks Jess
