Thursday, September 18, 2014

Back on track...

So... I feel like everytime I write a post about being healthy I eat 5 cookies before I even publish the post!! Ok- slightly exaggerating but with life being so busy and fall creeping out all I've wanted to do lately is... Eat. Junk. But... this week I decided to jump back on track and feel healthy! Now with jumping back on track it didn't just happen in the blink of an eye. It took planning and thought so below are a few of my tips if you are wanting to make healthy choices:

pic from Pinterest

1. Plan ahead!!- if you are ready to make healthy choices this is so important!! I like to take a few mins and write down or plan my meals for the week along with specific exercises I know I want to do! 

2. Meal prep!!- this is another MAJOR part of making healthy choices!! For me, if I don't prep my meals for the week I will not stick with it! For me- I'm not a great cook and I don't like spending my days or nights cooking which is why I choose simple prep meals and eat the same things throughout the week! If you like cooking all the power to ya but for me the simpler the better! 

3. Exercise- I'm trying to get back into a workout routine so for me exercise means trying to get 3x/week in and move up from there! Set goals that are realistic! 

4. It's ok to still enjoy treats!- I really try and stick to a clean diet but if I have a little treat here or there I don't let it derail me! I've learned being too strict with myself results in major... MAJOR binge eating! 

5. Eat healthy for health not a size. When I make healthy choices for an overall healthy lifestyle vs. a dress size I stick to it! Health is so important and something not to take for granite!

I hope these help- I know they definitely help me!! 

pic from Pinterest

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