I will first preface this post with saying this is touching a little "deep" and may provoke annoyance in people. Not that I am intending to make people upset but sometimes when you hit on "real" issues it tends to cause some back lash. I have written about things like this before, but not on this blog. Today I wanted to talk about "real life" and what my "real life" is all about. I'm not sure where this is going to go, but here we go!
The title of this post is: "Obssed Much" I titled it for the simple reason of it explains our society today perfectly. We are so obsessed with ourselves, selfies, pictures, social media, celebrities and each other. It has turned our world into a pretty self-absorbed and narcisstic society! Wouldn't you say? I mean, even a mere 10 years ago we barely had cameras on our phone. Texting was just hitting the scene let alone the thought of taking pictures of our food, face, clothes, friends, mountains, drinks, shoes...etc. I think you are totally getting my point. Since when did we find it acceptable to take photos of every moment of our life? Since when did we think people would care? This probably sounds totally hypocritcal since I'm writing on a blog where I'm sharing about my life, but I do think about these things... often!
Don't get me wrong, I love hearing about people's lives and what people are up to, but is it ever too much? I believe it has put an unrealistic amount of pressure on young girls/teens today because they are constantly bombarded with pictures on social media. Girls have become so self conscious of what they wear, who they hang out with (or at least who will be in their pictures), what they look like, how they stand in a picture...etc. Has it ruined our society and expectations?? A couple months ago the camera on my phone broke and instantly I thought, "Great, how are people going to know what I ate? Or did? Or went? Or hung out with? Or the color of the sky? OR THAT I EVEN EXIST?!? (Insert sarcasm here). Honestly, stop and examine yourself and ask "Why am I posting this picture on social media?" I'm not judging because I have an Instagram acct, facebook and twitter but I think if we were to all ask ourselves this question before posting it could change things. Are we posting because we want people to know what were up to? Do we want people to be jealous? Do we want it to look like we have an awesome, better than every one else life? If so, maybe opt out. If social media isn't going away then let's start using it for good and not obsession. What does this mean or look like? I'm not sure either, so we can all figure it out together.
Ultimately what I want to get at here is that obsessing over ourselves leads us to a place of feeling empty. The one and only thing for me that builds me up is the Lord. My relationship with the Lord is absolutely the most important thing in my life. I am so thankful for His grace and mercy and how He can give me strength and peace like nothing in this world can.
Colossians 3:2 "Set your affections on things above; not on things on the earth."
I hope this post didn't make you run for the hills but ultimately made you stop and think- because it definitely has me thinking and re-evaluating my actions. In a world where we are told to focus on yourself, be selfish and "do what makes you happy" it's refreshing to put that aside and focus on something that truly matters forever.
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