Happy Thursday People!!! 2nd to last day at my job and I am soooo excited! Next week I'll be starting a new adventure and I cannot wait! So thankful for this opportunity and thanking the Lord!!! I decided to keep it real today and so once again I apologize for my bluntness...
Raise your hand if you have ever talked about someone behind their back? If you didn't raise your hand you are a liar and probably the scariest of them all! ;) But in all honestly why is it so easy to talk bad about people behind their back? If we've all experienced knowing someone is talking bad about us it has got to be one of the worst feelings! When you leave Middle School you think those days are over and then high school hits. Once high school is over you assume those back stabbing, gossiping days are over- yea right. College and the working world is probably worse!! I have to say women/girls are probably the absolute worst at this, and why? Shouldn't we all be each other's biggest fan? We all know what it's like to be emotional, pmsing, stressed out, insecure....etc. so why do we harp on each other's weaknesses instead of encourage? In reality talking behind people's back only makes us look bad. I encourage you and ME to stop being so mean and only focus on building people up. Encourage one another, be kind and stop acting like a rude, immature, snarky, gossipy mean person!! ;) I challenge every one who reads this post to take each day as it comes and say one kind thing about someone. If someone wants to start gossiping stop them and say let's change the subject. Why be a follower when you could be a leader?? Someday if I'm blessed to have kids I want to encourage them to be kind, love like Jesus and be a friend.
I hope this encourages you and makes you stop and think, because it sure has made me! I want to be known as a friend, someone who loves Jesus and someone who you can truly count on. Beats the alternative! Have a great day and it's almost Friday!
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