Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Dining with the King

I have a lot of friends who I'd consider MORE "religious" than I am, and I respect them for their commitment and devotion (and understanding) towards their beliefs.  I also admire those that use their talents, education and passion to humbly support people that may need them.  

With that I introduce you to Melia Moore!

Melia and I met through a friend at an Isagenix conference a couple years ago.  I instantly loved her because of her calm and happy demeanor, not to mention her incredible beauty on the outside but more importantly on the inside!  She is a genuine soul which is hard to find anymore.

I noticed through her Facebook posts that she was up to a new adventure, "Dining with the King," and I wanted to know more.  The following is an interview between Melia and myself, read on to learn how she is supporting woman through emotional eating/binging with biblical based coaching and nutritional support!

What is Dining with the King?

Dining with the King is a biblical based coaching program for those who struggle with emotional eating or binging. But really it’s pretty simple; it’s hope and an opportunity for freedom. It’s not however a quick fix program and in 30 days you’ll be rid of every unhealthy eating habit. That’s just not realistic. It’s a journey to PRACTICE the art of worship through how we take care of our bodies.
“Dining with the King” was also a calling for me personally to let go of my own struggles with binge eating so I could be more effective for the Kingdom. It has been a long time coming for me to finally let go, and it’s been a ride!! Haha

What is your job as a coach/counselor?

My job as a Psychology of Weight Management Coach is to guide people toward a healthy mindset about their bodies and food through truth, based on the living word of God and practical strategies they can implement into their lives. It’s not my job however to tell people exactly what they need to do, but more so to help equip people for a life long practice in wellness, to help them realize they can find the balance of overcoming unhealthy mindsets of food through their relationship with Christ and being proactive in educating themselves about wellness as a whole.

How did you learn about this program?

The “Dining with the King” program I created myself after receiving my AACC Certification from Lighthouse University. It’s a collaboration of what I learned over the time I spent getting my certification and research I had done on my own. I felt there was a need for a specific guideline, one in which there was structure for the client and the coach so I created an interactive guidebook filled with 4 sessions that I go over with my clients. This book is filled with, assessments, strategies for the future, encouragement, scripture and homework.

What drives you to help people with these struggles?

I know what it feels like to wonder if there is ever going to be hope. The hurt is real and I truly believe that it can keep us from living the life God has intended for us to live. And truly, nothing is more important to me then to lead people to Him. He’s the ultimate healer and to just be a small part of that process blows my mind. That’s what drives me.

Who benefits from your coaching?

I think at this point in my career women of all ages can benefit from this coaching. I want to expand with a team of coaches and my hope is that we can focus on men as well!! I know dozens of men who struggle just like us ladies. This struggle doesn’t discriminate about your gender.

How do you coach? (a series of meetings? Lessons? In person/not in person…etc.?)

I coach in person or over the phone. The program as a whole is in 4 sessions detailed below. There are different program options as I do provide a source of nutrition I believe is extremely beneficial for the client. People can do the program with our without the nutrition provided through IsAgenix.

Session #1
Going over Assessments:
-Multiple Assessments are given to discover exactly where you are in your health journey. I will also be coordinating with your Doctor (by request) so I can receive notes from them on your physical and blood panel, in case there are concerns such as the raise of diabetes you my not have realized was there. I am certified in specific areas of health that your Doctor might find you need some guidance with. They are:
Physical Fitness
Stress Management
Brain Health
Chronic Pain Management
Men's and Women's Specific Health
We will also go over goals, motivation, the covenant prayer agreement and scripture based homework.

Session #2
Psychology of Weight Management and Nutrition:
-An in-depth look on God’s heartbeat about our health, food and purpose of honoring our bodies. Everything else comes secondary to this.
-In-depth personal coaching relating to your background with food as well as your current mental state with food and strategies for success for the future.
-A personalized nutrition plan and implementing IsAgenix. We will discuss what will work for you personally so that you can create an environment for yourself, your family and for your relationship with Christ without fear or discouragement.
This session also ends with biblical based homework and my favorite the "Dining with the King" Note card.
-Your program comes with products from IsAgenix in two options:
 A 30-day supply or 2 week supply

Session #3
This session we develop an exercise routine that fits your needs and discover how to implement your relationship with God with some of your routines.

Session #4
Closing session with the opportunity to continue session in the future if necessary. This is a time to re-evaluate goals, write new ones, fine tune your personal program ask questions.

What did it take to get your certification?

I chose to go through Lighthouse University and AACC because of my mentor Deborah Berry who is a Christian Counselor in Silver City, NM. We had discussed multiple times how many of my clients in my other health and wellness vocation including myself were struggling with emotional eating. It was the number one thing that was sabotaging my clients success as well as my own. I knew we weren’t dealing with the real issue for so many people. She contact me one day letting me know that I could receive a Wellness Certification that focused in part with the Psychology of Weight Management, I purchase the courses and did everything over the internet.

How can people contact you?

I currently have a facebook page at www.facebook.com/melialanimoore
Those who are interested or just want to reach-out can personal message me there call me at 575-654-0566 or email me at diningking@yahoo.com
I take applications monthly so anyone can apply at anytime. At this point I’m full until October that’s when the next sessions are available.

What changes have you seen in peoples lives?

What a great question!!
The change I see is hope and the knowledge that they can absolutely overcome anything with God’s help and leading. I’ve seen people also come to terms that they have a responsibility in this and that it doesn’t have to be daunting but empowering. My first client ever was actually one of my best friends. We cried a lot during our first session. It was such a cleansing feeling, she’s equipping herself, physically, mentally and spiritually and I can see that confidence in her. Especially with the realization that this is about a journey, about PRACTICING wellness, perfection is not required.

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