Monday, February 9, 2015


Hey Everyone!! :) Happy Monday and umm HELLO gorgeous weather!? Seriously. I have officially decided to break up with winter until December 24th and then it can go away again December 26th. I am not a fan of cold, cloudy or snowy weather. Done. 

I can't say I've really been crazy busy over here but for some reason I haven't blogged since mid-January?! I am really going to try and get better at this. Below are just a couple of things that have made me pretty excited over here... aka shopping.

I got this tote from Urban Outfitters and I am absolutely IN.LOVE. It's reversible and really good quality! They have a ton of different colors, I chose the brown/purple. If you are in need of a good sized tote for work, school or life in general definitely go check these out! 

With my 2015 health kick and training for my 1/2 marathon, yep that's right people I'm actually sticking with a health goal I decided new workout gear is a must. I am that person running on the trail in a raggy (I don't even know if that's a word) and shorts that are too big... SOOO I decided to get some cute leggings and a tank to go with it. If you hurry into Nordstrom right now these are on sale and I'm obsessed.

I haven't got these yet but here a few more items on my "soon to buy" wish list!

I've decided I need some cute lounge sneakers to just wear with an outfit or go on a walk. I don't always like wearing my running shoes just while running errands I feel like it wears them out quicker!

Speaking of running shoes, I need some new ones. I honestly go for style and then comfort (I know so lame) so these are some I have my eye on...

I am a big fan of Asics and have been wearing them religiously for the past 8 years. Here are my favorites and can be found at Runners Roost

Soon I will have a recap on my recent getaway to Chicago with the hubs! 

Hope y'all have a good week!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Running my teacher marathon

I've been a teacher for 5 weeks now and it feels like I've been running a 5 week marathon.

What an incredible month is has been!  I've never felt so much stress, anxiety, exhaustion and work with an equal amount of love, support, fun, and growth.  The "negative" feelings are less than the positive feelings, therefore I'm able to keep on running this marathon!  I've always heard what it was like to be a first year teacher and now I understand what everyone has been talking about.  But I'm not only "first year," I'm starting mid year which comes with the positives and negatives. 

My class is wonderful.  They have confirmed my love for children of all ages and abilities.  I have a diverse group (as does our whole school) and it makes day to day school life exciting, interesting and eye opening.  Each one of my kiddos has already taught me SO much after only 5 weeks, and I know by the last day of school my love for these sweet souls will have grown even more.  

The men and women I work with have been incredibly welcoming and helpful.  (No, I'm not just saying this because they might read this post, its true…you ALL are the best!!).  My first week I was flooded with support and continue to receive daily support in all fashions.  So, THANK YOU PE family, you've made this mid-year transition a great one.

Some funny moments so far:

  • On day one I had a little lady rat on one of my boys and tell me that he wished he were older so that he could be my boyfriend.
  • I've been called mom and grandma, yes grandma, about 100 times…which isn't unusual as a teacher, but after they asked if I was a teenager, I thought MOM wouldn't happen so soon let alone GRANDMA.  
  • My students have an idea of how much time I've been spending in my classroom on the weekends and before school, they suggested I buy a small mattress to keep under my desk so I can just sleep there.
  • …then they went on to discuss a good place for me to keep my clothes and food.  But then became really concerned when they realized I might not have a place to shower or wash my clothes.  I'm glad they care about hygiene!
  • I gave them the "you don't want to see Grumpy Ms. Fanelli lecture," and then I was asked if I would turn into Grumpy Cat if I became Grumpy.
  • My kiddos asked me about Nick one day and wanted to know what he looks like.  Then one kiddo admitted to knowing what he looks like.  I asked her how, and she said her mom looked me up on Facebook.  I guess I should have figured the FB snooping would start immediately. Yikes.

Kids say the darnedest things, and they make life so fun!  

It feels incredible to finally apply my studies and begin my career.  It's also so comforting to know that every day is a new day and every day is a learning experience not just for the kids, but for me too.  I love going in to school every day and I cherish my personal time more than ever.  I hope this mid year experience prepares me for an successful 2015-2016 school year.

Until next time… (which could be another 5 weeks, if I'm still running this marathon!)

-Ms. Fanelli ;o)