Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Health & Fitness 2015

Wow! Can you believe we're almost 1/2 way through January already?! Time goes so fast I can barely keep up!! The first half of January was a little rough... never say "Oh, we haven't gotten sick in so long..." Because before the words can leave your mouth you will inevitably get sick. Both me and my husband got the dreaded flu and it was awful. Like truly awful. But... back on the mend and I am ready to tackle my 2015 goals. I'm not gonna lie, I have really thought long and hard about this post because I 1. Have a tendency to go wayyy overboard and then fail to meet my goals and then feel defeated 2. I do not want to obsess over health/fitness this year but incorporate a balance in my life 3. I was feeling lazy. Don't judge.

Ok, now that I have confessed my blogging dilemmas I am here to spell out my 2015 health & fitness goals and hope you join me! :)

(All pictures from Pinterest)

1. Remember that obsession is bad one way or the other. This is key for me this year because I tend to be the typical girl who will OBSESS over every single bite, every single workout and to me that is the complete opposite of healthy. BALANCE is my #1 goal this year. It's ok to eat a piece of cake and it's also ok to strive for a fitness goal. Everything in moderation.

2. Run a 1/2 marathon. I have only done one and I swore I would never do it again. But, here I am a glutton for punishment. I miss having a fitness goal, something to strive and train for. Without a goal I tend to slack on my workouts. So, here I am vowing to run a 1/2 marathon this year. I mean... I have 11 more months, I'm sure I can find the time ;)

3. Complete Whole30. Now, for those who know me are probably laughing at this right now because I have honest to goodness started and stopped whole30 at least 4 times. hahaha. But... I am vowing to myself to complete once because... well gosh darn so many people have done it so why can't I!?! I want to complete it for health purposes. Reset my body and also to feel the accomplishment. When I will start... not sure? But I will and I will update you on my progress.

Honestly, that's it. Those are my 3 goals and I feel good about them. I could sit here and say I'm going to not eat sweets, workout 5x/week, stay away from chips but in all honestly that would last all of about 3 days. Not even. I don't want to put restrictions on myself because that feeds into the mentality  of obsession. 

What are your 2015 health & fitness goals??

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 GOALS

2015 GOALS

(pictures from Pinterest)

Hey y'all!! Can you believe it's 2015?! Let me preface this post by saying I will be rambling for 99% of it, so if you can have patience with me... here I go ;)

I know people say this all the time but I honestly felt like 2014 was a blur. One minute we were ringing in the new year and the next it was Christmas. I have never had a year fly by so fast, and it made me realize 2015 I want to slow down, cherish moments and stop looking forward so much. That sounds strange since I"m writing a post about 2015 goals, but one of my main goals this year is to not plan and look ahead so much. Stop, focus on the moment and be thankful. In 2014 I turned 28 and at first I thought... ugh so.old. (I know, don't judge me, that's still very young) and then someone said, be thankful you're 28. Some people never live to see that age. SO TRUE! Why would I ever complain about being 28?! This year I want to focus on first and foremost my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am learning every moment of every day that without Him I can do nothing. Without the Lord I am nothing. Without his Grace and Love and Faithfulness where would I even be? To me, that is the most wonderful place to be in, looking to Him for all things in my life. 

Now you're probably wondering when the heck I'm going to write about my goals... ok ok. Here I go:

1. Study and focus on the Lord every day, even if it's for 5 minutes in the morning.

2. Be kind. Choose to show God's love towards people. Everyone has an off day, so I want to learn to cut people slack. (Unless you're that idiot driver who cuts me off... then no.) ;)

3. Focus on HEALTH (A whole different post). I don't want to look at health as skinny, or a # on the scale this year. I want to feel good. Feel healthy. Have energy. Exercise. Look at food as nutrition.

4. Workout as much as possible. I don't want to necessarily put a # per week on this because I don't feel like that's realistic. Every week or day will hold a different challenge, but I want to focus on working out as a somewhat priority in my life this year.

5. STOP PLANNING AHEAD! Now I know there is a degree of planning that is necessary as an adult, I get that. But I have a tendency to plan so much that when things don't go exactly how I think they should it throws me in a fit. No, seriously. I throw grown-up tantrums. It's a problem... ;) I want to just take each day as it comes. Enjoy every single moment. The good, the bad... everything. I know who holds my future and I want to rest in that.

6. Be more spontaneous. I have a tendency to stick to a schedule, go to bed around the same time and during the "work week" prefer staying "on schedule" I do find this to be important but I also want to be more open to randomly doing different things even if it's on a "work day" :)

7. Travel! I LOVE traveling and experiencing new and familiar places. I want to travel more even if it's a short weekend trip!

That's all for now. I'm sure there's bigger and smaller goals but for now this is good. I will update as the year goes on!! :) What are your big and small goals for 2015?!